
Orthobiologics are natural substances that doctors use to help your body heal orthopedic issues. They include things like platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and bone marrow concentrate. Instead of surgery, these treatments use your body’s own healing powers to fix problems like joint injuries and arthritis.

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The Media and the Science Behind Interventional Orthobiologics

If I’ve learned nothing else this past decade it’s that the media frequently gets orthobiologics wrong. So today, let’s explore the science behind two common interventional orthopedics procedures to see if they got it right or wrong. Let’s dig in. The Media and “Stem Cells” On the one hand, I have been a fan of…read more

Our Latest Publications

Regenexx has always had an active research program with our goal being to try and get a few papers published every year. However, COVID slowed down the publication process for everyone. So we have a bunch of publications coming out all at once now. Let’s dig in. Our Publication Team Yesterday, during one of our…read more

Biologics Alliance: The Fine Line Between Evidence and Misinformation

A recent paper published in the journal Arthroscopy makes several now in that journal which are anti-orthobiologics. For this one, I think the authors meant well, but the abstract is so poorly written that it’s getting picked up by news outlets and distorted. Let’s dig in. Orthopedic Surgery and Orthobiologic Publications First, if you’re new…read more

What Is Osteitis Pubis? Can It be Fixed?

Osteitis Pubis is a great way for us to learn about how the SI joint and pelvic ring works. What is Osteitis Pubis? Why should you care? Let’s dig in. What Is Osteitis Pubis? In order to learn about Osteitis Pubis, we first need to learn about the pelvic ring and the symphysis pubis (1).…read more

Microgravity and the Most Important Low Back Muscle Called Multifidus

The multifidus is one of those key muscles that you NEED to know about if you have back pain, but you likely have never heard about it. Let’s learn about this muscle, but also look at what happens to it if we remove the earth’s gravity. Let’s dig in. What is the Multifidus? Multifidus is…read more

Does a Partial Rotator Cuff Tear Get Bigger Over Time?

If you have a small rotator cuff tear, will it get bigger over time? This is a critical issue as we have many patients who put off getting their shoulder treated for years. So what is their risk? Let’s dig in. The Shoulder Rotator Cuff Your shoulder has four muscles that stabilize the joint and…read more

What Is QC Kinetix?

I was recently asked to look at the QC Kinetix website by a physician colleague. After almost a week of digging deep, I thought I would share what I found. In addition, the unique set-up of these clinics raises all sorts of fascinating questions. For example, what is the role of a physician’s assistant or…read more

Cellaxys: Buffing Your Resume-Stem Cell Edition

This morning I’d like to review the world of resume buffing that happens with stem cell clinics. While I’ll focus on a clinic called Cellaxys, the issues described here are not unique to that clinic as they occur throughout the Internet. Let’s dig in. Hype in Marketing There’s a scene in Elf where Will Ferrell…read more
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