Patient Outcomes

Discover the measurable results of healthcare interventions on patient health and satisfaction. Explore how treatment effectiveness is gauged through improvements in symptoms, quality of life, and overall satisfaction with care.

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Understanding Functional Levels in CCI

Our Colorado HQ has become a worldwide treatment site to help Craniocervical Instability patients avoid invasive fusion surgery. In decades of treating these patients, I’ve noticed that patients with this condition have very different levels. To ensure that everyone’s on the same page in understanding which type of patient is being treated, I’ve developed my…read more

Whiplash Leads to More Long-term Pain at 20 Years

Does getting a neck injury in a car crash, even if it heals, cause long-term problems? That’s what a recent study set out to determine. Let’s dig in. WAD More than 20 years ago, some Canadian researchers in Quebec (QTF or Quebec Task Force) came up with the term “WAD” which means “Whiplash Associated Disorders”…read more

Our Latest Publications

Regenexx has always had an active research program with our goal being to try and get a few papers published every year. However, COVID slowed down the publication process for everyone. So we have a bunch of publications coming out all at once now. Let’s dig in. Our Publication Team Yesterday, during one of our…read more

Stem Cells and SCI: Placebo or the Next Best Thing Since Sliced Bread?

I have gotten many emails through the years from patients who know someone who has a spinal cord injury (SCI) and who ask if we could help. My answer has always been the same. We only treat orthopedic injuries. However, a study on stem cells and spinal cord injury was just published in February that’s…read more

Diabetes Impacts Knee Replacement Outcome

I’ve written a few times through the years about the single biggest preventable health factor that you can change which is type 2 diabetes. It’s a silent killer that impacts all aspects of your body’s functioning. Now, according to a new study, it also hurts your recovery from knee replacement. Let’s dig in. What Is…read more

VSELs – State of the Art Regen Med or Fairy Dust?

There has been a two-decade-long debate in Regenerative Medicine concerning tiny stem cells. I had largely forgotten about these Very Small Embryonic Like (VSEL) stem cells until a patient came into the clinic claiming that he had been treated with them. So what is this and why should we care? Let’s dig in. What Are…read more

The Insurance Coverage Bioethics Dilemma

There a raging controversy among physicians since the advent of orthobiologics that I would like to explore. Should a doctor push a patient towards something that may work, but is a bad or “less good” option solely because there is insurance coverage? What ethical responsibility does the physician have to recommend all options and encourage…read more

Listening as a Diagnostic Tool in Medicine

Sir William Osler is the physician identified with creating much of our modern medical education system of internship and residency. He would often tell his students something like what I have written above. The goal was to get them to understand that even back at the turn of the 20th century, listening to the patient…read more
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