Stem Cell Injections

Injections that deliver concentrated stem cells from the patient’s bone marrow into damaged tissues. This method aims to promote the body’s natural healing to improve function and reduce pain in orthopedic conditions.

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Dramatic Improvement in Severely Degenerated Cervical Joint Without Surgery

I’ve spent the last 12 years staring at MRIs before and after orthopedic stem cell treatments. I’ve seen some incredible things in many conditions and some MRIs that didn’t change. This past week, as I reviewed the MRI of a patient with a severely degenerated cervical facet joint that we had treated at our licensed facility…read more

How Regenexx Lab Research Is Second to None

Yesterday I posted about the engine that drives us here at Regenexx: our clinical research. Today I’d like to follow that up with why Regenexx Lab Research is truly second to none in practical, rubber meets the road, orthobiologics research. Regenexx Lab Research So how does a regenerative-medicine clinic do research? To do it well…read more

Should You Get Your Disc Injected with Stem Cells?

It seems to be the latest craze; all the cool providers, most after taking a weekend course, are doing it. So should you get your disc injected with stem cells? The question certainly seems simple enough; however, the answer is a bit more complex. This isn’t a new fad for us. We were the first…read more

Outcomes, Complication Rates, and Stem Cell Procedures

Given the quite reasonable concerns this past week over the blinding of three women by a stem cell clinic injecting fat stem cells into eyes, I thought it was time to take a look at stem-cell-procedure complications. All medical procedures have complications. So what bar can we use to see if those complications are reasonable, and…read more

Why You Can’t Inject a Torn Knee ACL with Ultrasound

When we first began injecting ACL tears with stem cells many years ago, we tried quite a few techniques. At first, it was a very difficult injection that wasn’t reliable. However, after some anatomy review and testing several methods, we finally settled on a procedure that produced reliable results and then began teaching that through…read more

Knee Replacement After Stem Cell Treatment: How Often Does It Happen?

Do you have knee arthritis, and have you been told you need, or will soon need, a knee replacement? Perhaps you are considering a nonsurgical stem cell treatment instead but want to know what the chances are that you’ll still need to undergo a knee replacement after stem cell treatment. Most of our knee arthritis…read more

Can’t Put on Socks? Why This Could Be a Bad Sign

On this page: Hip range of motion and why it’s critical Why is it a big deal if you can’t put on socks? What if you don’t have much hip pain? What do I do if I notice this problem? I see patients every day who have lost hip range of motion and can’t put on…read more

Stem Cell Disc Injection: The Hammer and the Nail

There’s a saying in medicine, “When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail”. Meaning that if all the doctor knows how to do for a given problem is one treatment, then he or she tends to use that treatment when it’s not appropriate. This morning I’d like to highlight a stem…read more
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