Knee Replacement Surgery

Knee replacement surgery, also known as knee arthroplasty, is a surgical procedure performed to replace a damaged or worn-out knee joint with an artificial implant or prosthesis. It is typically recommended for individuals with severe arthritis or joint damage, aiming to alleviate pain, improve mobility, and restore function in the knee.

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If You Get a Knee Replacement in Your 40s or 50s How Long Will It Last?

We have been performing a grand experiment since the 1970s called modern orthopedic surgery. The idea is that by surgically intervening, we can fix musculoskeletal problems. While a reasonable idea, one side effect was that younger and younger people began to get operated. This trend combined with heavier and less active humans to have the…read more

“It’s Not My Knee”-A New Study Looks at Knee Replacement Failures

Patients generally believe that you pull yourself up to the knee repair station and you get your joint replaced like you would get a new muffler or carburetor. “Good as new” is often how they conceptualize knee replacement. However, the reality is much different. Now a new study looks at the idea that patients sometimes…read more

An Update on RCTs for Knee Osteoarthrtitis

Two years ago, I summarized all of the RCTs for PRP used to treat knee arthritis. It’s now time for an update, especially with the recent craziness around fake PRP studies. Let’s dig in. What Is an RCT? The top level of research quality is called an RCT or Randomized Controlled Trial. Usually, two treatments…read more

Diabetes Impacts Knee Replacement Outcome

I’ve written a few times through the years about the single biggest preventable health factor that you can change which is type 2 diabetes. It’s a silent killer that impacts all aspects of your body’s functioning. Now, according to a new study, it also hurts your recovery from knee replacement. Let’s dig in. What Is…read more

That Second Knee Replacement Could Be a Problem…

The problem of a younger person getting a knee replacement has always been, what happens when the surgery needs to be redone? Meaning that most honest surgeons try to steer their patients to get a knee replacement surgery when they are as old as possible. Now new research adds weight to that decision-making process. Let’s…read more

Knee Replacement Failures in the News

Most patients believe that a knee replacement is like replacing a worn out or broken part in your car. However, these past few years news stories have begun to appear that show the reality of what’s really happening in patients. Let’s dig in. Danette’s Story This appeared in the Washington Post about a woman with…read more

PRP and BMC Delay the Need for Knee Replacement

One of the hopes of orthobiologics is that they can help younger patients push a knee replacement out to an older age. Why is that critical? Let’s dive in. Knee Replacement and Age A knee replacement is the amputation of the knee joint and insertion of a prosthesis. That’s as big a surgery as it…read more

Is This the Truth About Knee Replacement Surgery?

I consulted Dr. Google this morning to find out what it said about knee replacement results. What I found was interesting and disturbing: So what’s the truth about knee replacement surgery? Most people believe that it’s like just going to your mechanic and getting a worn-out part replaced in your car. Is that true? Not…read more
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