Knee Health

Knee health refers to the overall well-being and function of the knee joint, including its structures and surrounding tissues. It is essential for mobility, stability, and participation in daily activities, emphasizing the importance of maintaining strength, flexibility, and proper biomechanics to prevent injuries and promote longevity.

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A Tale of Five Knee Joint Injections: You Get What You Pay For

It’s always hard to explain to patients how training and expertise in medicine vary widely. The good news is that in the more established areas of medicine represented by board certification, while the skill levels between doctors are different, there is a minimum standard of competency. However, once one gets into Regenerative Medicine where no…read more

What a New Bone Marrow Knee Study Can Teach Us About QA

QA is a term that you hear more often in industries like manufacturing or engineering, not in medicine. However, the bone marrow concentrate procedure for knee arthritis has so many moving parts that QA is key. So today we’ll review a new research paper and also learn how they failed on several key QA metrics.…read more

Stem Cell Support Formula Study

We’ve been running a Randomized Controlled Trial on our Stem Cell Support Formula this year. What is this? Could you benefit? Let’s dig in. What Is a Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Randomized  Trial? This is the gold standard of medical research where a fake medication is given to one group and the real medication to another and…read more

The Popliteus Muscle: A Little Muscle with a HUGE Impact

I love writing about what I experience on a day-by-day basis. This weekend, I was sitting awhile and went to get up and had lateral knee pain. Misery followed and it took me a day or so to find the culprit. So let’s learn today about the Popliteus muscle, a tiny thing that can screw…read more

Is the ITB Connected to the Lateral Meniscus?

You would think that in the early 21st century we would have figured out everything there is to know about the human knee, but you would be wrong. In fact, it was just a few years ago that the anterior lateral ligament was discovered. How is that possible? Because physicians and anatomists have a hard…read more

My Brother’s Messed Up Patellar Tendon and Stem Cells

My brother has been a lifelong runner. So when he ruptured his patellar tendon playing tennis and then had it surgically repaired, the big question was whether he could return to running. The answer? Not until some stem cell help. Let me explain. The Patellar Tendon The patellar tendon attaches the bottom of the knee cap…read more

Knee Arthritis More Severe in Those with Low Back and Knee Pain

Our orthopedic-care model has taught us that if a patient walks in with knee pain, you only perform an exam of and ask questions about the knee. However, the body is far more complex and connected, with the knee just being a specialized part of the leg, which connects to the pelvis and spine. Hence,…read more

Should You Get Knee Arthritis Nerve Treatment?

The newest craze in knee pain treatment is a knee arthritis nerve treatment. This procedure has gone from 0 to 60 in the last few years, but is it a good idea? Does it work? How long does it last? Are there better options? How the Knee Arthritis Nerve Treatment Works This new knee arthritis nerve treatment…read more
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