More Good Health News for Walnut Lovers!

If you’re a paleo diet lover, nuts are the perfect food. High protein and high fat with very few carbs. But do they have other benefits outside of the right ratio of protein, fats, and carbs? Let’s talk walnuts this morning… Health Benefits of Walnuts: One of Nature’s True Power Foods Why are walnuts so…read more

Chronic Pelvic Pain Is in the Nerves and Changes the Brain

Patients in chronic pain have always had it rougher than patients with a disability you can see. If we see a patient who has lost a limb or can’t walk due to paralysis, we all understand that these patients are disabled. However, a patient who just has chronic pain has an invisible disability. That is,…read more

Does Anesthesia Increase Surgery Dementia Risk?

This morning’s study is near and dear to my heart. When I was a medical student, my father broke his hip and needed surgery. After surgery in the hospital where I was training, he experienced severe postoperative delirium. It was epic “sundowning,” which foreshadowed his upcoming dementia and slow descent into his own personal hell…read more
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